We delight in partnering with people who want to make a difference in Children’s lives, Outreach to the lost, Relief and development for the distressed, and Education to make disciples of Jesus Christ and to give them the tools to come up out of their poverty.
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US Mailing Address:
PO BOX 3069
There are many specific giving opportunities available to you.
Please review the following options and decide today how you would like to partner with us in this work.
Where Needed Most
We often have ongoing needs in many areas, and the extra blessing allows us to move in a timely manner to meet those needs.
To support LSMI in this manner, simply click on the button below. Thank you!
Children’s Assistance Programs
You can improve the quality of life for children and their families through our child assistance program. Your contribution makes our program possible. From this program we distribute regular nutritional meals, clothing and medical assistance, and encouragement in their education. We encourage you to pray for these children and their family. This program reaches out and touches their hearts and gives them hope for the future.
To give monthly, click SUBSCRIBE be sure to designate the location such as Mezcales or CardBoardLandia in Mexico or Oviedo in the Dominican Republic.

Support Our Work in Outreach
You have a great opportunity to partner with us through your contributions toward church/community center construction. LSMI is actively involved in church planting efforts to help Pastors who have a vision and a call to plant churches in Mexico. Ask the Lord how you and your church can help! For opportunities to support LSMI through our outreach programs, visit our outreach page.
Support Our Relief Efforts in Houston
Relief is a part of our core principles. We believe relief should be an integral part of the life of every Christian believer. Jesus said in the parable of Matthew 25:35, “When I was hungry you gave me something to eat, thirsty and you gave me something to drink…” It is a joyful privilege to express God’s love and care to those in urgent need. To help with this urgent need, visit our Houston relief page.
Support Our Education Initiatives
Education is a core value of LSMI. We believe systematic Bible training will raise up leaders in participating churches. To review the opportunities and giving options available to you to fund important education and training programs, visit our education page.
Remember LSMI in Your Will
You can leave a living legacy by remembering LSMI in your will. Your final gift will be used to reach others with the love of God through the C.O.R.E. ministries of LSMI. Contact us directly for more information on taking advantage of this unique and special way of helping disadvantaged children and families who need help the most.
Amazon Smile Donation
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Donations made from the USA will receive a tax-deductible receipt by mail.
Donations made from other countries are not tax-deductible unless permitted by their respective governments.